#3 Cat & Mouse

#3 Cat & Mouse

Especially for younger players, a cat-and-mouse game has been developed for the dynamic Vortex game board, fun for all ages. Do you fancy being the cat or the mouse…?

So you’re the mouse? It is your goal to get in the cupboard behind the grey controllers. As a mouse you can run around as much as you like, until you meet a cat.

So you’re the cat? It is in your nature to try and stop the mouse from reaching the cupboard. Fortunately, you’re not alone, and with four cats on the game board it should be easy to capture the mouse. However, you may only rotate one tower one position ahead per turn. If the mouse always outsmarts the foursome, call for help from a fifth cat.

The game ends when the mouse has reached the cupboard or has been cornered and probably….