#5-10 Extra concept games

#5 Kings cross

Get your King, the grey router with black controller or the yellow router with orange controller, between respectively the grey controllers or the yellow ones, beware however not to get enclosed by your opponent.

In general each player has three moves, for example rotate three towers over one position or one tower over three positions, clockwise or counter clockwise. Equal to Crossing there is a 1-2-3 start-up sequence. You are only allowed to rotate a tower when you outnumber your opponent, being equal will not do!

The grey and yellow routers including the Kings count as one, the black and orange routers as two.

Start Positions
#5 Kings cross

#6 Amazing

Amazing is actually a maze, try not to get lost…

Your goal is to position the red router between the red controllers in as little rotations as possible. Black towers and routers cannot move, green towers rotate only one or two positions to the right, the yellow ones only one or two positions to the left and the red towers only one position either to the left or to the right.

You may use the same tower several times, however only when alternated by another.

Start Positions
#6 Amazing

#7 Gathering

Gathering is based on the same principal as Crossing.

Your starting positions can be random or prefixed symmetrically, your goal would be to gather all of your routers in one cluster, touching (both) your tower(s).

Start Positions
#7 Gathering

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